Monday, February 22, 2010

Week 5

Well I know I am behind in these but here is my week 5 post. So as I went over the articles and the video I really thought a lot about how I need to prepare myself to be digitally literate to help teach the 21st century learners. There is a lot that we need to still work on to "manage" how we use technology, but it is very important to do. I think that one of the things that we as teachers need to do is meet the students on their level of technology, but also teach them how to use their resources wisely as well as their time. We can not just let them loose or they will be strangled in all of the technical ropes out there. We still have a lot to learn!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


This web sight "" is an excellent resourse as well as information both for teachers to use in and out of hte classroom. I really like how it has a wide variety of information and different workshops that can be uses by the teacher. It also has a wonderful way to network with otehr teachers and share ideas. The site also has links to other website that can be of help. I feel that there will be a great tool as I prepare myself for the classroom!

Monday, February 1, 2010

I checked out the BrainPop Web sight and found it very useful. I really enjoy the information that they have available and the way in which it is presented. It is sights like these that can help the learning proses in the classroom. I love informative videos and so do most students. I watched the video on Abraham Lincoln and really enjoyed it.
I read the article

"Students Say They Have to ‘Power Down’ When They Enter Schools"

I like a lot of what is said here. I am a big time user of technology, and feel that it has a big role to play in the lives of 21st century learners. It is a tough battle between what can and can't be used in the classroom. I am kind of torn on this article, because they do need to have discipline and not have too lax of a policy regarding when and how they use their technology. For example, almost any job that they take, they are not going to be able to use all of their technology. They will have to put away their phones, or computers, or what ever and use only authorize items. If we let them do these things in school it is going to create a lot more chaos in the work world. It is a fine line of what to do, but I feel there does need to still be limitations at times during the day to prepare them for the real world. I am not throwing out this idea, but it needs more than just allowing for a technology free for all, and needs a better structured way for them to incorporate technology!